Users > User details

User details

User details settings

The User Details screen enables configuration of the basic settings of a GFI FaxMaker Online user. To configure these options:

1. From the Users screen, click next to the user to edit and click Edit User.

2. From the User tab, configure the following options:

Option Description
First name

The user's first name.

The first name, together with the surname, is used in notification messages, reports and for populating a coverpage's sender name field.


The user's surname.

The surname, together with the first name, is used in notification messages, reports and for populating a coverpage's sender surname field.

Fax CSID (Optional) The Called Subscriber Identification is a custom name or number that the recipient sees when this user sends a fax.
Department Select to which department the user belongs.

Click Save to apply all changes, Discard Changes to cancel changes made, or navigate to another tab to configure other settings.



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